SKI is Smart Keyboard Integration
SMWI is Smart Mouse Wheel Integration
Those options allow you to switches on submacro pressing the Key (generally are 1,2,3,4,5,6 -> is related to game or your keybinding) for SKI and to switch using the Wheel mouse.
This system synch the behaviour of this keys or mouse of the game with the Macro client.
So , as socola wrote, if you have a macro enabled and those options active and you press 2 you switch on the Secondary SubMacro , if you press 3 ( on csgo to knife, on battlefield to gadget one, on PUBG to pistol and so on)
The same happens when you are scrolling the Wheel in game.
This is really good when you are recording a video or streaming so if you try to knife someone , so your specs dont have to see an eartshake :=)
Also there are other two options related to this System : Gadget_One Active and Gadget_Two_Active . Disabling or Enabling those options you can decide if you want that the SKI is enable on this positions. Making an example:
In Battlefield 1 when you play as medic or support and press 3 or 4 (your settings) to deploy a medicpack or an ammo bag , in game you see that the Player stay on the weapon so you have to disabel Gadget one or two (your setting)…. if you instead are deploying the Mortar…you have to set it on Active so when you are using Mortar the macro is disabled until you in game Switch on rifle again.
Hope is clear … im tired.
Tomorrow we can talk to the deep of this … all features present.
Good Night